Shenzhen Customs Assists Vape Export

Shenzhen Baoan District continues to deepen cooperation between the customs and help vaping enterprises maintain stability and improve the quality of foreign trade.

On the afternoon of May 20th, the Baoan District Industry & Information Technology Bureau and Nantou Customs and Tongle Customs carry out a special lecture on the import and export policy in the vaping industry. To help vaping enterprises in the district understand the customs supervision policy more accurately, fully use of customs facilitation measures to expand further and strengthen the export business of the vaping industry.

On the same day, The seminar invited the relevant leaders and experts of the Customs. It carried out a lecture on the customs trade supervision policy, customs duty-free business, intellectual property rights protection policy, deal with foreign technical trade measures, and AEO advanced certification policy. Interactive exchanges with enterprises to answer questions.

△Nantou Customs staff introducing the processing trade supervision policy

In recent years, the state has attached great importance to the development of the vaping industry. In November last year, the State Council’s Decision on Amending the Implementing Regulations of the Tobacco Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China (State Decree No. 750) was officially announced and implemented. It clarifies that “new tobacco products such as e-cigarettes shall be implemented regarding the regulation on cigarettes. In March, the China National Tobacco Administration issued the “Electronic Cigarette Management Measures,” which provides for the production, sale, transportation, import and export, and supervision and management of e-cigarette activities. The vaping industry has entered a phase of orderly regulatory development.

△Shenzhen Customs comprehensive business office staff explain the policy
△Tongle Customs staff shared the AEO advanced certification policy

Through this import and export policy promotion activity, some representatives of participating enterprises expressed that they were full of harvest. Not only measures to help enterprises reduce costs but also initiatives to help enterprises to expand the market with solid relevance and operability, which adds confidence and motivation for enterprises to grow their export business.

△Interactive Q&A scene

Next, Shenzhen Baoan District will continue to deepen cooperation with the industrial characteristics of local vape enterprises. And organize many special import and export policy promotion activities with the customs department to help the high-quality development of local vape enterprises and promote the stability and quality of foreign trade.


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